Alchemama 9

Alchemama 9
Alchemama 9
Alchemama 9 checks the whole body once again for whether it is ready to integrate the new energies, and it also grounds the new energy. The body becomes better oxygenated, all the cells are...
€ 21,95
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Alchemama 9 checks the whole body once again for whether it is ready to integrate the new energies, and it also grounds the new energy. The body becomes better oxygenated, all the cells are renewed, charged up and revitalized. Oxygen in the body provides the flexibility for admitting the new information. It makes the crown wider, more open and deeper dimensionally. More information can enter at one time and it has a greater range. Cellular awareness is activated and this also encompasses the consciousness of the human being as a cell at the cosmic level.
There is more space for who you are, how you speak and act - an enormous creative energy in which the divine can be reflected in you. From Alchemama 9 onwards the feet and legs become totally integrated in the transformation process.

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