Aurora 12 - ouder-kind: aanvoelen wat je kind (of dierbare) nodig heeft, diepere band opbouwen. Zet aan tot gezond leven.

Aurora 12 - ouder-kind: aanvoelen wat je kind (of dierbare) nodig heeft, diepere band opbouwen. Zet aan tot gezond leven.
Aurora 12 - ouder-kind: aanvoelen wat je kind (of dierbare) nodig heeft, diepere band opbouwen. Zet aan tot gezond leven.
Ouder-kind: aanvoelen wat je kind (of dierbare) nodig heeft, diepere band opbouwen. Overstijg je ego, genees jezelf en je relaties. Zet aan tot gezond leven.
€ 21,95
Price per unit

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Aurora 12 encourages integrity, serenity, and attunement to the Christ Consciousness. The person is reborn, or in other words, can return home to the house of the Father.  A total shift in perspective occurs. He is no longer the prodigal son or the outcast from paradise.  He can acknowledge whom he is deep inside and who the other is from deep within: a human being created in the image of God. Hence someone can open up to information from sources lying beyond the boundaries of normal observation.  Aurora 12 help you let go of material matter and what is observable purely through the ordinary five senses. For people with intestinal problems, especially in the duodenum. For those with birth traumas and the primal trauma associated with abandoning unity consciousness. Aurora 12 provides children with acceptance of inner peace. They know what their task is, giving them inner peace and deep acceptance. For people who are attached to the security of a career in ordinary society, for those who are overworked, for perfectionists, and during emotional fights.  For depression, also when there is no discernible reason. For children with ADHD, in combination with Aurora 3, and sometimes 7 and 17(in the Aurora II series).

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