This number is about mastery and the alchemy of the heart. The heart energy has an alchemical function. The alchemical transforming energy creates something more beautiful, something beyond what was. The nature of alchemy is to add to life. Alchemy brings matter to a higher frequency. The true master becomes that field of creation. It is not something he does, but he becomes. This has to do with the implicit patience of the heart as it waits until the time is ripe.
Living Grail 4 helps the heart in its process of maturation and transformation into a state of being where the heart is open and always flowing. How do you as an individual notice that you have your heart in a central position in your life? You do things as if they are normal and simple, whereas before that part of your consciousness vibrated with an egoic aspect saying ‘how good you were and what important work you did.’ That ego consciousness is no more, or only present in the background. You give what you have available or what you have received and that’s it. Only when we can act this way can we understand the humility and simplicity of the masters because there is simply no more resonance with ego.
The nature of the love energy is such that it transcends duality because it experiences and generates unity everywhere.
Living Grail 4 helps the heart mature to a state of being where it is always open and flowing.