Living Grail 5 and 6 have the most intense effects on physical structures and matter in order to raise their frequency. Both these light remedies cleanse the lymphatic system thoroughly. The lymphatic system is the densest system of the body. Bone structure is less dense.
The process of integrating left and right hemispheres begins with number 6. It is especially the whales and dolphins who have been very saddened by the split between the left and right hemispheres made by man; this has meant that we lost touch with the harmony of the earth, whereas the whales and dolphins have always maintained their integration of the two hemispheres. The left hemisphere has access to the natural laws, and the right hemisphere is a creative field. When left gives information to right, then we become aware of why things are as they are. When right gives information to left, then we feel how we can respect the natural laws and hence can work together with them.
The Living Grail series supports consciousness in waking up the physical body to set it in vibration so that it functions more and more as a living system. From number 6 onwards we get more awareness of physical illness being a blockage in the flow of information from the field of consciousness. Flow from consciousness has a direct effect on the physical body. When the consciousness and vibrations of the body increase we have a natural need for fresh living unprocessed food to strengthen our life force. But we still have to learn to have our food grown with just as much love energy and consciousness as our body now requires to vibrate in love.
In Lemurian times our co-operation with the elementals and all other beings such as devas, trolls, fairies, elves, dwarves, gnomes, mermaids etc. was very normal. We could simply see them and they were inextricably linked with us. Through the descent of man into 3D we largely lost that connection and all those beings were relegated to the kingdom of fables and fairy tales. They have remained ‘alive’ in a certain way that lies outside our ability to perceive, and our consciousness activates their qualities and vice versa. They live more if we give them more right to exist and we receive more life force through their vital contribution to our bodies and to the growth of all that lives. Living Grail 6 brings these beings back into our awareness.
Living Grail 6: ‘I stand firm and anchored in the earth. Powerful. Body and spirit are one.’