Living Grail 8 affects all electrical activity in the body: neural transmission and the brain. Disharmonic stimuli are cleansed and also pollution by inappropriate thought patterns.
Nerve pathways that are not used become slightly calcified so that nervous signal conductance decreases. Number 8 ‘crumbles’ or disperses this calcification so that the electrical field is restored. Parts of the brain are re-activated through the increased nervous transmission. We only use 10 – 15% of our brains at the moment. So then we can have some idea of how much the flow of energy may increase in our body so that brain activity also increases. When you read this you might say that many people should take this remedy. But that is only possible and it can only work when the consciousness is ready and intuition indicates that this is the right remedy.
Living Grail 8 supports the unlocking of the information in the brainstem. This opening of the brain stem leads to we ourselves being able to unlock the information from within our cells (just as indicated with Living Grail 7). We call this electronic consciousness. The higher light fields bring the fields of information (that are of course present in abundance in the cosmos) into vibration at a cellular level or in the electronic circuits, and our awareness picks up these subtle vibrations that the brain then converts into conscious information.
The current architecture of the human body is completely equipped for multidimensional life. It is simply that this potential needs to be unlocked. Our consciousness functions on electricity, awareness and light energy. These three are inextricably linked with each other. Thus when the consciousness is more and more attuned to the monad or I Am, a higher voltage is possible. To repeat, we are unlocking the information and vibrations that are already present within us. Living Grail 8 repairs the signal conductance in our nervous systems so that we gain more access to the higher information in our cells.