Living Thirteen 7

Living Thirteen 7
Living Thirteen 7
Living Thirteen 7 supports you in bringing your vibrational field into attunement with the collective field so that you can make your contribution to the generation of the oneness consciousness...
€ 21,95
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Living Thirteen 7 supports you in bringing your vibrational field into attunement with the collective field so that you can make your contribution to the generation of the oneness consciousness within the collective field. This is not an easy process because you as an individual will experience collective processes in your body. Through the healing process within yourself, you heal the collective and bring the collective consciousness one step further. These can be pretty intense emotions that mean your energy is not completely available for whatever you are doing in 3D at that moment. This is a new state of being whereby you have to get used to the fact that your work in other dimensions takes priority over the work in 3D. 

Number 7 increases your sensitivity so that you can, for example, hear the singing of angels. At the same time it activates a filter function in your ears, amongst other places. This means that you do not pick up everything that is happening, but only that which resonates with your own healing and growth. 

Living Thirteen 7 works on your crown chakra, your heart and root chakras. It balances the tube of 

light inside your central channel. It balances your crown so that this comes under your control with access to the highest, causal layer of original information. Hence through your individuality you make a wholly own and innovative contribution to the earth and the cosmos. You are a unique instrument in a huge cosmic orchestra. 

Once the crown chakra is opened up to the causal field it is completely multidimensional. The crown unfolds itself as a sort of chalice. The information received is always just right. Living Thirteen 7 inspires you to innovative actions and appropriate deeds. Your longing for this field and your pure intention are what enables this field to open. Number 7 activates your crown into a streaming fountain. 

Number 7 works on the root chakra as well. If there are still fears lurking in the root chakra, then they will be reached by number 7. Fear of living fully or simply fear of dying. Sometimes there is still a self-created rejection of the earth, so that you do not want to be here on earth. These fears will be touched and cleansed if you dare to feel and acknowledge them. Your intention is important together with your feeling of love for the earth and the willingness to be completely connected to the earth. If you clear this fear, the ability to feel totally safe in yourself here on earth will be opened up. You will be carried by the grail energy, the nurturing consciousness of the earth. This opens in you the power to claim your greatness and the power to take action.. The latter reflects the power of the dragons, soft, loving and feminine. 

The heart becomes unified. And your essence reveals itself in all its beauty, cherished by the all embracing love from the chalice above and the chalice below. This energy, your love energy is touching, heartfelt, feminine and self-aware. 

Living Thirteen 7: I feel safe within myself, grounded in my base chakra and carried by the earth’s nurturing field of consciousness. I am all embracing love.

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